Our logo is based around a millstone. Sandstones and shales are the two rock types most commonly found in this district The coarser sandstones were shaped into millstones for grinding corn and the lower part of the Upper Carboniferous period has taken its name ‘Millstone Grit’, from this industry. For more information on Millstone Grit see:
The jaw of a shark-like fish fossil called
Edestus newtoni was found in 1915 during the sinking of a well at Rock Mills near Brockholes, Huddersfield. It was found below the Rough Rock and was presented to the Museum of Natural History by Elon Crowther. It is now held at the British Geological Survey headquarters at Keyworth, Nottinghamshire. This fossil, known affectionately as ‘The Brockholes Fish’ forms the lower, right-hand section of our logo. For more information on the fossils found in this area see:
The left-hand side of our logo shows a geologist’s hammer. The hammer is included because it is a widely recognised symbol amongst geologists. However, it is our policy that geological hammers should always be used with care and discretion. We believe that geological sites should be left for others to enjoy and learn from.