
Front Cover of Rocks and Landscapes of Huddersfield book
Front Cover
Explore the many contrasting landscapes of this part of  West Yorkshire.  The hills and valleys of today reflect how geological processes have changed the original rock foundations:
  • Find out about these rock structures, minerals and weathering.
  • Read about the marine fossils around Huddersfield – including the Brockholes fish.
  • See pictures of the tree fossils found in local quarries.
This book contains a geological map of the Huddersfield district, cross sections and lots of sketches and photographs.  In 1998 the Huddersfield Geology Group received the Lasmo Geological Challenge Award for this book. ISBN 0-9532828-0-5. To purchase the book contact us. Sample page:            
  • Talks will resume again on Monday September 9th. See Talks page under Events for further details

  • Saturday 14th September Grassington.  See Fieldtrip page under Events for further details